
Short animations by Piotr Dumala: 'Czarny Kapturek' ('Black Riding Hood'), 'Nerwowe życie kosmosu' ('Neurotic Life of the Universe') and 'Lykantropia'

3 short animation films by Piotr Dumala (polish director, born in 1956 in Warsaw)

'Czarny Kapturek' / 'Black Riding Hood' (1983)

Very spicy finale ;)
'Nerwowe życie kosmosu' / 'Neurotic Life of the Universe' (1986)

 'Lykantropia' (1981)


JJ - "All White Everything"

Directed By Olivia Kastebring, New Album ‘V’


Agnes Obel - Dorian

from second Agnes Obel album 'Aventine'
Original material from the film 'The Very Eye From The Night' by Maya Deren
Metropolitan Ballet Company
1958, New York


Black-grey-white shirt instalation in Milan: Nendo and Cos collaboration

"The Nendo & COS collaboration is probably one of my favourite events from this year’s Salone in Milan. Simple, clever & beautiful and collected in this film.
Both brands are known for their minimalist yet elegant designs and this year Japanese design studio Nendo & Swedish fashion brand COS they collaborated for a spatial installation in Milan during the annual furniture fair Salone Del Mobile.
The space consists of shirts and thin cubic frames in various hues of white, grey and black.  
“I decided to let the white shirt do all the talking” explains Oki Sato of Nendo when talking about his approach to COS assignment to create a space around their products.
Various smaller installations of shirts moving in and out of the inner space of the metal cubes, are enhanced by the shirts being partly coloured. But only in the areas that are within the cubes. As if the shirts had been dyed by invisible ink from the cubes.
“The smartly ordered shirts are crisp, classic white until they fall inside the steel cube frames, at which point they take on colour as though the space itself has dyed them.” continues Oki Sato.
The overall impact is extremely impressive with all the hues overlapping each other."

via sofiliumm.wordpress.com


Arcade Fire - Reflektor

Second of the most overrated albums of 2013 by The Pitchfork Readers Poll's list [here]

Video directed by Anton Corbijn
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