
Kim Jung Gi drawing art

Kim Jung Gi is a korean artist born in 1975 in Goyang-Si in the province of Kyongki-Do (South Korea)

more: kimjunggi.net


Vassily Kandinsky - Thirty

Thirty, 1937, Oil on canvas (81 x 100 cm). Gift of Nina Kandinsky,  Musée National d'art moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris.

'Kandinsky experimented with different forms of writing and shapes as he created contrasts with paintings like "Thirty (Trente)," which is separated into thirty squares.'

Here you can buy Kandinsky silk scarf  realsilkscarf.com


Ane Brun - These Days

Very modest clip of Ane Brun. Only face of the singer and fiew lines dancing all over her face - like wrinkles or blood vessels. Enough.


Wiliam Faulkner's drawings from 1916-1925

'Before William Faulkner more or less defined the genre of Southern literature with his folksy short stories, tragicomic epic novels, and studies in the stream of damaged consciousness, he made a very sincere effort as a poet with a 1924 collection called The Marble Faun. Published in 500 copies with the assistance of his friend Phil Stone, who paid $400 dollars to get the work in print, Faulkner’s poetry did not go over well. Although later judgments have been kinder, the publisher called it “not really a very good book of poetry” and most of the print run was remaindered. The young Faulkner fared much better however with another of his early creative endeavors: art.'
via (and the rest of the article at)  openculture.com



Deptford Goth - Life After Defo

Video directed by Daniel Woolhouse
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